Pet Care

A healthy pet is a happy pet

Our Doctors and Staff prioritize your furry loved one's health and happiness. We endeavor to provide you and your pets the tools you need to promote a long, enjoyable life. Our services, whether preventative care or emergency care, give owners peace of mind.

Is your pet due for their yearly exam or vaccines? Give us a call at 252-636-5040.

Wellness Exams

We consider wellness examinations to be one of the most critical parts of what we do here at Animal Care Center. Assessment of your pet's eyes, ears, heart, lungs, and other internal organs allow us to identify important changes in your pet's overall health. We may uncover underlining health conditions affecting your pet's quality of life, which will help you as the pet owner ensure your little one is happy and comfortable despite any health conditions he or she may have. Your pet's health can be monitored and maintained proactively with a yearly wellness exam.

We also utilize this time by asking questions about your pet’s behavior, appetite, exercise habits, and regular activities at home. Even if your pet seems healthy, a wellness examination is an important opportunity to note any changes, physical or behavioral, which assists us in providing thorough and individualized preventative care for your pet.

Pain Management

Veterinarians have made significant advances in recent years in their study of how dogs and cats sense pain and the most effective strategies to manage it. As a survival tactic, many dogs would instinctively conceal their suffering, which in the past led well-intentioned scientists to believe that dogs and cats did not experience pain in the same manner that people do. With this knowledge, treatments and procedures have been developed to alleviate the pain your pet might be exposed to during any health procedure. Animal Care Veterinary Center has kept up to date on these innovations, so we can best treat your pets with kindness.

Routine Bathing Services

As a devoted pet owner, you may be quick to book vital veterinarian treatments like vaccinations, wellness exams, or dental care. However, in addition to healthcare, pets also benefit from routine bathing services. Over time, pets may grow matted hair, oily skin, jagged nails, or develop other issues which may cause discomfort (which pets are notoriously adept at hiding!)

Fortunately, our on-site Kennel provides first-rate services such as:

  • Dog Ear Cleaning
  • Medicated baths
  • Dog & Cat nail trims
  • Anal Gland Expression (dogs only)

Book your appointment Today!

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